Author Archives: Peter Avey

web design

10 Unconventional UI Design Elements That Enhance User Experience

Diving into the realm of user interface (UI) design reveals a landscape teeming with innovation and creativity. While traditional elements play it safe, there’s a world of unconventional UI design choices that dare to break the mold, enhancing user experience (UX) in unexpected ways. These creative outliers not only capture users’ attention but also make interactions more engaging, memorable, and enjoyable. Here are ten unconventional UI design elements that are setting new standards in user experience.

1. Microinteractions with Delightful Feedback

Microinteractions are small, often overlooked elements that, when designed unconventionally, can significantly enhance UX. Think beyond the loading spinner to animations that respond to user actions with delightful feedback, like a button that blooms into a flower upon clicking. These playful interactions add a layer of engagement and personality to your design.

2. Voice-Activated Interfaces

As voice command technology becomes more refined, integrating voice-activated elements into UI design offers a hands-free, futuristic way to navigate. These interfaces can make digital experiences more accessible and convenient, particularly for users with physical disabilities or those multitasking.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) Integrations

Augmented reality has transcended its novelty status, becoming a groundbreaking tool in UI design. AR can overlay digital information onto the real world, offering interactive and immersive experiences that extend beyond the screen. From virtual try-ons to interactive maps, AR integration opens up a world of possibilities for user engagement.

4. Cinematic Full-Screen Video Backgrounds

While not entirely new, the use of high-quality, cinematic video as a full-screen background remains an unconventional choice for UI design. These captivating visuals can tell a story and set the mood instantly, providing a rich, immersive experience before a user even scrolls.

5. Dynamic Typography

Dynamic typography, which evolves and animates based on user interaction or scrolling, offers a fresh way to engage users. This can range from changing font sizes and colors to more complex animations that react to user behavior, making the textual content an interactive element of the design.

6. Interactive Storytelling

Borrowing from the world of gaming, interactive storytelling within UI design allows users to become part of the narrative. By making choices or completing tasks, users can unlock different paths or outcomes, turning a visit to a website or app into a unique, personal journey.

7. Non-Linear Navigation

Breaking away from the traditional top-down or left-right navigation, non-linear navigation systems encourage exploration and discovery. This might involve radial menus, scattered points that reveal content on hover, or a completely free-form layout that encourages users to navigate in a way that feels natural to them.

8. Psychological Triggers

Implementing elements designed to trigger psychological responses, such as using color and imagery to evoke emotions or incorporating gamification to boost engagement, is a nuanced approach that can significantly impact user behavior and satisfaction.

9. Dark Mode and Beyond

While dark mode has gained popularity for its aesthetic appeal and reduced eye strain, pushing this concept further with themes that users can customize according to their mood or the time of day introduces a new level of personalization in UI design.

10. 3D Elements and Immersive Environments

Incorporating 3D elements and creating immersive environments within a UI can transport users into a different space or reality. Whether it’s a subtle parallax effect or a full-blown 3D world, these elements add depth and dimension to the digital experience.

These unconventional UI design elements showcase the limitless possibilities for enhancing user experience. By stepping outside the conventional boundaries and experimenting with these innovative ideas, designers can create memorable, engaging digital experiences that resonate with users on a deeper level.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing unconventional UI design becomes not just an opportunity for differentiation but a necessity for staying ahead. These creative design choices not only improve usability and accessibility but also inject a dose of personality and innovation into the user experience. In the journey to create interfaces that truly stand out, daring to be unconventional might just be the most conventional wisdom of all.

UI Design

10 Tips For Better UI

Web UI is one of the most crucial aspects of a successful website. It’s not easy creating a UI that’s both helpful to your visitors and beautifully designed at the same time. As a web developer, creating a good UI is one of the first challenges you’ll ever face.

That said, here are a few important tips to keep in mind.

1. Keep it simple

When it comes to web UI, less is definitely more. Keep your designs clean and uncluttered, and only include the elements that are absolutely necessary. Remember that users will be accessing your site from a variety of devices, so it’s important to ensure that your content is easy to read and navigate on all screen sizes.

2. Make it visually appealing

First impressions count, so make sure your site looks great! Use high-quality images and videos, and choose a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. Pay attention to the small details, as they can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your site.

3. Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to web UI. Use the same fonts, colors, and layouts throughout your site to create a cohesive and professional look. This will help users feel comfortable and confident navigating your site, and make it easy for them to find the information they’re looking for.

4. Use whitespace wisely

Whitespace doesn’t have to be boring! Use it to your advantage by using it to highlight important content or break up long blocks of text. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much whitespace can make a site look unfinished.

5. Make use of typography

Typography is an important element of web UI, so it’s important to choose fonts that are easy to read and look good on all devices. Stick to a limited number of fonts, and use headings and subheadings to break up your content and make it easy to scan.

6. Use icons and visuals

Icons and visuals are a great way to add interest to your site and make complex concepts easier to understand. When used sparingly, they can help guide users through your content and make your site more engaging.

7. Optimize for search engines

Make sure your site is optimized for search engines by including relevant keywords in your content and using descriptive titles and Meta descriptions. This will help users find your site more easily, and ensure that you’re getting the most traffic possible.

8. Make it mobile-friendly

With more and more people accessing the internet from their mobile devices, it’s important to make sure your site is responsive and looks great on all screen sizes. Use a mobile-first design approach, and test your site on multiple devices to ensure that it’s easy to use and navigate.

9. Add interactivity

Interactive elements are a great way to add interest to your site and engage users. Include features such as polls, quizzes, and games to encourage users to stay on your site longer. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much interactivity can be overwhelming.

10. Test, test, test!

Last but not least, don’t forget to test your site before you launch it. Check for broken links, misspellings, and other errors that could turn users away. Use analytics to track user engagement and see how people are using your site. And most importantly, get feedback from real users to see what works and what doesn’t.

By following these tips, you can create a web UI that is both effective and engaging. Just remember to keep it simple, be consistent, and make use of whitespace. And don’t forget to test your site before you launch it!


How To Create A Responsive Website In 10 Steps?

What Is The Aim Of Any Responsive Website? Merely purchasing a domain and publishing a website is not expected in today’s competitive world.

The main aim of a responsive website is:

  • To engage the visitors with superior images and text;
  • Retain them to surf for more information;
  • Compel them to take a call to action as per your desire.

Furthermore, a responsive website should work well irrespective of the viewport. It should be uniformly & flawlessly responsive across all the devices used – from small, medium, and big screens.

How To Create A Responsive Website In 10 Steps? Here We Have Shortlisted 10 Essential Points That Will Help You To Design The Better Version Of Your Website:

1. Your Responsive Website Should Be Friendly With All Types Of Viewports:

Yes, your website should be responsive across all the available devices and screen sizes. Studies have shown that around 70% of web traffic is created over mobile phones. Even Google Ranking gives additional points to responsive websites.

Remember, your website loading time is directly proportional to the visitors’ frustration level. The more loading time means more frustration level leading to an increased bounce rate.

2. Easy & Uncomplicated Layouts:

The studies prove that the attention span of human beings is comparatively less. And, in case your website layout is full of clutter, you will encounter a high bounce rate. Hence, the first step is to have an easy and uncomplicated website layout.

Beforehand you should choose a design that will be attractive on the desktop & other devices like laptops, mobile phones, tablets, phablet, etc.

3. Make Sure Of Easy Navigation:

The exact meaning of Easy Navigation is – your visitors should not get confused while surfing on your website. Whatever they are looking for should be available without much navigation. Hence, it is required that you keep your website layout simple. Let the visitors get a homely experience while searching for the product they are looking for!

4. Use White Spaces:

It is not required to decorate all the pixels on your webpage with random colors.

Make skillful use of white spaces on the webpage. Remember, a clean white space will keep the visitors engaged as it enhances readability and diminishes unwarranted cluttered perception. But, you should use white spaces very proficiently and know what corner or center page demands the white space.

5. Make Use Of Structured Text:

It is advised to keep less text on your webpage. This means using limited text and making sure the message is fully delivered. One paragraph should not be more than 3 to 4 sentences.

What if your product demands higher text lengths? In such a case, divide the lengthy texts into various sections with appropriate subheadings.

In short, your website text should be easy to read. Remember to use lucid language. The writing should be in a Friendly Tone!

6. Make Use Of Adequate Multimedia:

Studies have shown that users are more likely to recollect the image seen on your website than the text they have read. Hence, use adequate images, infographics, and videos wherever possible. Replace your text with HD-quality images and videos.

Make a perfect balance between the text and the images used, which will not look like clutter but assures a long-lasting impression.

7. Make Use Of Eye-Soothing & Attractive Color Blend:

The visitors will be dejected from seeing lots of jazzy illumination on your webpage. Without considering correct color mixing, visitors will be compelled to leave your webpage.

It is advised to use two base colors blended with an additional accent color. Also, make use of those colors that are used in creating your corporate logo. This acts as an easy reminder media and helps establish brand consistency amongst the visitors.

8. Make Use Of Fonts That Are Eye-Appealing:

Using any type of font or text size on the website is not recommended. Readability Score is important for your websites. Try to know the scientific reason behind different fonts, sizes, and readability!

Assume that you are on a webpage of another website and struggling to read the webpage. You had to strain your eyes to read the information additionally. What will be your reaction? With lots of frustration, you will leave the website.

Hence, make use of eye-appealing fonts. Remember, these fonts should be compatible & matching any viewport.

9. Organize Properly – Call To Action & Buy Now Button:

If you want that the visitors should subscribe to your weekly newsletter, or get a helpful tip every week offer them a Call to Action (CTA). But place the CTA button wherein they do not have to search for it.

Furthermore, if the visitor decided to buy the product then the ‘Buy Now’ button should be within their hindsight.

 10. Remove Non-Required Or Obsolete Information & Images:

An uncluttered and easy-to-use website is the need of the day. Periodically rework all the contents and images, which are redundant and do not suffice the purpose. If the posted information is not read or not advantageous for the visitors it is better to replace it with something meaningful.

Do not hesitate to remove or replace any image or graphic that consumes more time to load the website. Your website content should be interesting, and not time-consuming for visitors.


After a deep study, we have concluded to answer the question – How To Create A Responsive Website In 10 Steps – in the most simplified manner.

If you adhere to the points mentioned above, your website will surely get high retention. It is not just to create a website or responsive website, but it is creating a website to achieve the company goals.

You can commence with one point at a time, refine it, and proceed to the next point.

You can either do it yourself or hire a professional without hesitation.

Remember, When You Are Hiring A Professional Website Developer, You Are Investing And Not Spending!


Tips For Your First DIY Website

Launching your website is more accessible thanks to web builders online. Of course, there’s a difference between launching a website and one that gets the job done.

We understand that not everyone would want to avail of web development services at first as it’s expensive. If you want to DIY your website, then consider these tips first.

1. Draw Your Plans First

This sounds a bit counterproductive since you’re building a digital platform. However, creating a visual guide on what you want to achieve is a good idea.

Grab a piece of paper and try to draw a rough plan of your dream website. You should also create a flow chart of how the pages should flow. This should include your page’s menus, categories, and other crucial elements.

This is a good start for any newbie web developer. Once you have a guide, you can easily have a plan to follow. If you want to, you can also check out a few samples here at Web Design-Inspiration.

2. Know Your Audience

Who are you trying to reach out to anyway?

Get to know your audience better. Some critical factors to consider include gender, age, browsing habits, and more. Building a website for the right people means knowing who those people are deeply first.

Take this as an opportunity to begin establishing the branding you want your website to have.

3. Use A Platform For Beginners

There are lots of website builders out there. Not all of them are great for beginners, though. A beginner’s platform should have intuitive menus, many customization options, and excellent customer support. That said, here are a few outlets to try out.

  • WordPress – one of the biggest web development platforms around. WordPress is known for its intuitiveness and affordable plans. You also access hundreds of themes and plugins that make web development easier.
  • Wix – this platform provides you with over 500 templates that are very easy to customize. In terms of design, you shouldn’t have any worries with Wix. It also has an AI system that automatically creates a website depending on your needs.
  • GoDaddy – while it caters to all website types, GoDaddy is best preferred by businesses. It features loads of apps that will let you create a digital store easily. It also features an AI system that makes a website for you.

4. Don’t Complicate Things

There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big for your website. However, if you aren’t experienced enough in web development, you might end up overcomplicating things on your end.

Don’t worry about creating a simple and minimalist website. The truth is that people love websites like these.

There’s less clutter for them to go through. It simplifies the user experience on your website and allows them to get what they want without any problems or struggles.

5. Choose Performance Over Style

Adding things like photos, videos, animations, and more fancy design elements to your website can be tempting.

Instead of going for the stylish options, go for things that affect performance. Trust us when we say that people prefer a website that loads fast over one that looks great.

Creating a website on your own might seem impossible at first. However, there are lots of solutions and platforms that make the job easier on your end.

6. Test!

Testing is a crucial part of running a website. You can do it on your own too.

Open your website on various browsers and check if it loads fast enough. Aside from that, ensure all elements and pages are loading correctly too. After all, you want to provide a good user experience for your website’s visitors.

Doing this will allow you to adjust and change your website accordingly.

Reading through these tips and understanding the core of web development is key in creating the perfect online platform for your business, hobby, or personal needs.

Eventually, you’ll realize that there’s only so much you can do without experience. If you want the best website possible, you should also consider investing in web development services.


Get Some of the Best Divi Coupon Discounts

The Divi is the newest coffee maker from the manufacturer of Kenmore and other home appliances. This coffee maker is easy to use and comes with a range of functions that include auto espresso machine, automatic drip coffee maker and a timer feature. This article is going to focus on Divi Coupon Discounts so you can buy your Divi at a discount.

The Divi is the most affordable home appliance in the world. In the last few years it has become more popular with consumers due to its ease of use, convenience, low-cost, and excellent quality. Many companies have tried to duplicate this product but only one has managed to successfully launch it successfully into the market place.

Best Divi Coupons ? Really

One way that the Divis has stood out from the competition is by offering several different products at discount prices. A regular Divi can be used for making espresso, coffee, cappuccino, latte, frappes, and many other types of beverages. You can get these Divis at retail stores for a lot less than the regular retail price and that’s one of the reasons why they are so popular.

Another reason why so many people like this product is because it is extremely easy to use and operate. The automatic espresso machine, automatic drip coffee maker and the timer feature are all quite user friendly. This means that there is no guess work involved when it comes to brewing a good cup of coffee.

All of the products are reasonably priced, which makes it even more affordable. You can use the Divis for several different types of things without spending too much money. You can use the coffee maker to make one cup of coffee then go back and make another cup before the first one is finished.

When it comes to buying any of these products online, there are a number of places where you can get some of the best Divi Coupon Discounts. Most of these online vendors will offer up their products for sale for less money than the regular price. The reason they are being offered at such a discounted price is because the product is such a big hit in the market place.

Another good reason to try Divi for WordPress

There are also many other perks and features associated with these Divi Coupon Discounts. Some of them have free shipping with orders over $25 and you will also receive a free coffee filter. when you purchase a Divi for a discounted price under fifty dollars.

If you want to learn more about Divis then visit the official website or blog of the manufacturer. It has a wealth of information on the Divis including reviews, ratings, features, specifications and much more. You can also find out more about Divi Coupon Discounts from forums, blogs, magazines and newspapers.

The Divis coupons can be purchased through the internet with ease. The great thing about shopping online is that you can look for the best deal possible and that includes these amazing Divis Coupon Discounts.

If you do not have much time to read product descriptions and reviews then you can go to any search engine and type in a search for the phrase “divis coupon discounts”. You will then come up with a wealth of results that include all kinds of sites that are selling these discounts. Just take a minute to check each site out and see if you like what you see. The key to finding a coupon that works for you is to shop around and take your time.

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Once you find a Divi coupon that works for you then you will need to input your information. Once you enter the discount code you will see that a discount will appear on your screen.

So where can you find the best coupon ?

The key to maximizing the benefits of the code is to make sure that you enter the correct code.

The better your coupon is the better the discount will be.

three women sitting on sofa with MacBook

UX Design Process

UX refers to the User Experience design process. Teams of design for product creation use it. Such products provide users with experiences that are relevant and meaningful. This process includes the acquisition and integration of the product, its branding and design aspects, product usability, and function. Aspects of UX also include usability and user interface design- UI design.

The process has five primary phases.

1. Studying the audience/users.
2. Identification of the needs of users.
3. Generation of design ideas.
4. Coming up with concrete examples from the generated ideas. (prototype)
5. Evaluation/testing of the design.

These five phases require tools and methods to be used in each, and output is produced in return (UX deliverable). The first two phases are combined and referred to as User Research in one term because users’ nature is what affects their needs. This User Research phase produces deliverables.

1. Deliverables of the User Research phase include:

• Personas.

A persona is a fictional character built to represent user stereotype. Its representation includes a real and complete user with goals, skills, frustrations, demographic background, motivations, and educational background. A designer is likely To capture a broad audience by developing several personas- based on its scope. The purpose of this whole persona process is to enable designers to have a clear understanding of the users of a particular product and what these users need to achieve.

• Storyboards.

A storyboard consists of the persona’s behavior in drawing- it demonstrates the actions of a user and the environment and circumstances characterizing these actions.

• Journey Map of a Customer.

It is a diagram meant to give a representation of the steps in the design process. The steps belong to users in their attempt to meet their goals. This diagram enables designers to understand users’ challenges and needs and relate them to where products and services might fit in.

2. Ideation Deliverables.

These belong to the phase of generating ideas. They are:


It involves several designers together to address the outcomes of the first deliverable. These designers generate uncountable ideas of all kinds from all points of view. Later, ideas are weighed and sifted through, the most promising remain- those that are found to be promising are used in a map to come up with solutions to solve problems in the design process.

• Flow Diagrams.

ux design process

Flow diagrams refer to a representation of steps involving a user and a service or product to meet a specific goal. Whereas the customer journey map includes external factors surrounding a user, this user flow only focuses on the product/service and what happens to it. The user flow diagram aims to execute ideas from brainstorming and evaluate the use of a product/service in meeting the goal(s) of the user(s).

3. Prototyping Deliverables.

In the fourth phase, which comes up with concrete examples from the generated ideas, the prototyping deliverables are the output. It includes the following.

• Maps of Sites.

These maps expose the possibility of the user transiting between service sections. They are the kind of maps that are available in phone apps.

• Low-fidelity Prototypes.

With ready map sites, sketches with contents can be laid out. The low-fidelity prototype is a rough guide for designers on the placement of content- they omit visual design details. These same prototypes can begin as sketches that are hand-drawn and later advance to computer-drawn wireframes. Although the computer-drawn also lacks visual design details, their presentation of data and information is more actual than the hand-drawn.

• High-fidelity Prototypes.

These kinds of prototypes are also referred to as pixel-perfect. Unlike the low-fidelity, this high-fidelity is a little bit advanced and shows product details, both typographic and visual. They also require more production time, and their size is similar to that of the device in use.

• Interactive Prototypes.

Both the low and high-fidelity prototypes can be turned into a demonstration that interactive to evaluate designs better.

4. Evaluation of Deliverables.

Under the phase of testing designs, deliverables are,

• Usability Report.

With an implemented design, evaluations using real users can be carried out- this applies to even with an interactive prototype. Evaluation can be qualitative, where users are asked to complete a task, and things to aid in the evaluation are measured. These things are the time the users take, the number of clicks, and errors. For such things to be observed, the use of special equipment is required. There is also another mode of testing referred to as A/B. It requires giving users tasks, but instead of watching them perform, you wait for the result, make comparisons, and identify the better design. It does not matter the method you use for evaluation, provided you give a summary of findings in the form of a usability report- and a complete one contains individual sections.

Background summary summarizes what was tested, the place and time of testing, what was used for the testing (equipment and tools), and the people involved in the process.

Methodology- refers to the evaluation process, tasks are given to users for performance, the data collected, scenarios used, and participants together with their demographic backgrounds.
Test results. This section involves collecting data analysis, finding descriptions in text and bar charts, and user comments. Based on the report’s recipient, the test results section may also include advanced details, for instance, statistical analyses that were used.

Findings and recommendations. Recommendations have to be based on your findings. What went well and what did not should be stated, together with the next step to be taken.


Different audiences will be interested in various sections of your report; it is essential to ensure appropriate wording and structure.

• Analytics Report.

Having released the designed product and run it for a while, a company might avail data on the usage. It is this data that provides insights on usability improvements. The report is an essential record in that it shows the impacts of the design changes on your website after identifying and addressing issues.

UX designers are supposed to improve their skills in the following.

  1. UX research
  2. Collaboration with other designers- a UX design process is not just something one can do alone. A designer should, therefore, improve skills in collaboration.
  3. UI prototyping and Wireframing is necessary to get used to the two.
  4. UX writing. It requires words to be crafted perfectly.
  5. Visual communication.
  6. Empathy for users. As a UX designer, you have first to put yourself into the shoes of users to understand their challenges entirely and for you to also come up with solutions to the challenges.
  7. Interaction design.
  8. Coding.
  9. Analytics enables a designer to understand a user, a product, and the relationship between the two.
  10. Communication skills- remember, as a UX designer, you have to explain your ideas to other people who are not even designers, which is not easy. It, therefore, requires you to step up your skills on the same.
  11. Having an efficient laptop for web design

Sometimes both UI and UX designers may be caught up in the same tasks although they are different. The two have different roles and skills. UX designers focus on quantifying, gathering, and understanding the gathered data on user research while UI designers focus on the analytical and psychological side. With the skills of the UX designers above, below are the UI designer skills.

  1. Photoshop and Sketch tools of design.
  2. Typography and design elements knowledge.
  3. Graphic design skills.
  4. Design principles of knowledge.
  5. Takeaway.